Broken Apps in iOS4 – Back to the Basics

Have you installed iOS4 on your iPhone 3G or GS? Or, migrated to the new iPhone 4? Did you notice some of your apps stop working or start doing funny things? Maybe apps are launching then returning to the Launcher screen. When something new comes out, we forget the basics and expect the worse. Nothing …

Keep things running longer, everyday

You may have noticed right off with your iPhone that you can not pull the battery out and put in another fully charged one. Apple chose to seal the battery inside like they have done on all of the iPod line. There are a few fine tuning tips you can do to get more hours …

Rearranging the icons

You can change the icons around to your desire whenever you like. You can change the order, move icons from one screen to another, and change which and how many icons are in the lower section (not more than four).   You may have noticed that you have more than one screen for icons. You can …

Sometime you just need to Restart

The iPhone is much more than a ‘phone’, or even a ‘smartphone’. As with several other phones on the market, the iPhone is really a really small computer. It has a operating system that allows you to do many things; access a camera and take photos, arrange data like contacts and dates, and install applications. …

Screenshots from your iPhone

Your telling your friend about how you have your apps arranged on the screen, or you want to explain a screen in an application your in, or maybe there is a Web site you want to share a image of.   When the occasion arrises that you need a screenshot; Hold down the main front …