Getting paper notes into your iPhone

My iPhone and Macbook go to every meeting with me. And as much as one tries to be all electronic, there are times in a hall conversation where you are faced with a pen and paper to get the facts recorded. At the end of the day you have a few paper notes that are …

For the Blogger that owns a iPhone

In my day job, I work with a small team that maintain many blogs on a large number of subjects. This site is my ‘fun’ side project for helping other iPhone and Touch owners that I do unrelated to ‘work’. I carry a notebook computer with me for site set up, network interfacing and more …

Keep things running longer, everyday

You may have noticed right off with your iPhone that you can not pull the battery out and put in another fully charged one. Apple chose to seal the battery inside like they have done on all of the iPod line. There are a few fine tuning tips you can do to get more hours …

Faster ‘Free’ WiFi Internet

In an earlier posting, we ran through how you can get access to the Internet for Free at Starbucks via AT&T provided WiFi. You can jump to that that article here. ‘Free’ has come with a price, namely more than a dozen taps on the screen to jump through the hoops… remember? Select AT&T from …

Free WiFi (speedy Internet) @ Starbucks – coffee not required

The 3G cell network is pretty quick – when you have lots of bars to connect. But, sometimes your connection to 3G is limited or you are on the slower connection. While not useful for making a phone call, a WiFi connection to the Internet for your iPhone or Touch is very fast. It is …