For the Blogger that owns a iPhone

In my day job, I work with a small team that maintain many blogs on a large number of subjects. This site is my ‘fun’ side project for helping other iPhone and Touch owners that I do unrelated to ‘work’. I carry a notebook computer with me for site set up, network interfacing and more …

Keep things running longer, everyday

You may have noticed right off with your iPhone that you can not pull the battery out and put in another fully charged one. Apple chose to seal the battery inside like they have done on all of the iPod line. There are a few fine tuning tips you can do to get more hours …

Before you buy apps – How do you want to use your iPhone?

You will find in every app review and How To guide will first explain if the app is a stand alone or sharing application.   You should think through what you would like your iPhone to be to you prior to making application purchases. When we say ‘stand alone’ or ‘sharing’ we are talking about …