Private chat with other Instagramers using an iPhone and InstaMessage

When posting pictures to Instagram, you can post a title, description, location and hashtags. Others can view and like as well they can comment. Sometimes, a comment needs a bit more privacy for the reply rather than blasting out for all to see in the comments area. That is the need that InstaMessage wants to …

Reflecting water added to your iPhone images, a free app option

It’s no secret that I play a lot with images beyond the original snapshot. Most apps I use are on the robust side to tune and tweak. Of course there is a huge variety of apps that are on the light side, specializing in doing one thing. The user interfaces of these free apps are …

Screenshots from your iPhone

Your telling your friend about how you have your apps arranged on the screen, or you want to explain a screen in an application your in, or maybe there is a Web site you want to share a image of.   When the occasion arrises that you need a screenshot; Hold down the main front …