Send a message of many words by using images

Regular follows know that I am a fan of taking pictures with my iPhone for both work and pleasure. Work images can be a snap shot of a whiteboard full of information to use later, a screen shot of information on the iPhone, or pictures of an event that shows work in progress or the …

What is the first book you bought?

Amazon introduced their Kindle book support for the iPhone / Touch today. Allowing you to purchase and read any of their 250,000 (currently) books originally created for their Kindle (2.0 introduced a few weeks ago) electronic ink book reader. There is of course pros and cons to that… if you are a serious book reader, …

Holiday and Note Cards from your iPhone or Touch

I carry notecards and a felt tip quick dry pen so I can jot down notes I need to leave behind. Notes for myself are typed right into my iPhone so I can search and organize on both my iPhone and my notebook via a sync. What I’m not good at is getting to a …

Yes you can… fix your iPhone and Touch

If you one hop your iPhone or Touch, you will most likely pick up a device that is fine. I have actually been amazed at some of the bounces our devices have survived. One time in the line to put my things in the airport security bins my iPhone tumbled out and walked all the …

Read the content of your favorite Web sites

One of the strengths of the iPhone is it’s Web browser. Not just a smaller version of the desktop counterpart. Mobile Safari allows you to pinch, stretch and double tap on pages to make the size adjust for your ease of viewing. If your are like us, you have a handful of sites you go …