Quick view of advanced weather information on the iPhone with VyCloud

I have a tendency to gravitate to app that have light ‘clean’ user interfaces. Ones that have thought through just what information is needed so I can get in and out of the app, job done without extra swipes and taps. A few weeks ago, I noticed I really needed more weather information than just …

Dwight Eisenhower on the iPhone to help better manage getting done what is important

There are those that sit down with a lit of task items for the day and just start working through them. Other folks find their day works better by working a couple todo line items at a time, shifting when progress on one is slowing. Still others stare at their long list of things to …

Draw Book, it’s like having the Paper app on our iPhones!

Paper is a fun and very useful sketch app on the iPad. Rather than rethinking how electronic pen/paper should work, the developers duplicated the joys and pains of the limited physical world we all still live in. Since no one needs to do more than type notes or draw very detailed art on our iPhones, …

Collect and share Ideas in all forms quickly using a Free iPhone tool

It seems that fresh app ideas are released by multiple developers close to the same time. I always wonder what the catalyst was for different groups around the world to start thinking through a particular issue needing a solution. This is of particular interesting because I have spent the last couple weeks putting a variety …

iPhone gives you word definitions of print words using the camera, no typing needed

There are many iPhone dictionaries I have used over the last few years. Trying to think of a word or need a definition of a word in a print article is pretty easy with the iPhone. Pop open an app and type the word in. Results are usually pretty quick. The actual longest step is …