Missing Google Maps on your iPhone? Now available as a free app!

I wont get in the middle of the whole Apple Maps vs Google Maps. The reality is, Apple Maps does some really cool stuff, but it has had enough problems it would be realistic to say it may have been better to wait a bit before making the ‘built in’ map. Many posts on sites …

Collect and share Ideas in all forms quickly using a Free iPhone tool

It seems that fresh app ideas are released by multiple developers close to the same time. I always wonder what the catalyst was for different groups around the world to start thinking through a particular issue needing a solution. This is of particular interesting because I have spent the last couple weeks putting a variety …

Making all of those fancy named coffee drinks at home… there is an app for that!

There has long been alcoholic beverage mixing apps for the iPhone. There are even a couple options to help pull the perfect espresso shot. This weekend I found a fun free app for the iPhone called Coffee Taste. It is truly for those that like the taste of coffee in their beverages. Those ‘beverages’ are …

Evernote’s way to swap Business cards using your iPhone

The folks at Evernote aren’t happy with just helping us with all of our daily notes and the ability to share those across the ‘cloud’. Now, they have released ‘Helllo‘, an app for collecting and retrieving people’s contact information. With it’s own ‘Evernote’ twists. I have been a long time, and very happy user of …

Using your iPhone to ‘scan’ and create your family tree

I have mentioned before how much I dislike apps that claim to be ‘scanner’ apps when they are actually photograph apps with some level of image clean up. As I use my iPhone to take pictures of documents and whiteboards more and more, I am less excited about the use of the term. It really …