Water proofing the iPhone 5 with Survivor Protection

You may remember my earlier mentions of the Griffin Technology Survivor case. I did a bit of a drop (bouncing down two flights of stairs) test with my old iPhone 4 when the case first came out. Recently, the case was updated with mix-and-match colors to customize as you like. But, this post isn’t about …

Missing Google Maps on your iPhone? Now available as a free app!

I wont get in the middle of the whole Apple Maps vs Google Maps. The reality is, Apple Maps does some really cool stuff, but it has had enough problems it would be realistic to say it may have been better to wait a bit before making the ‘built in’ map. Many posts on sites …

Dwight Eisenhower on the iPhone to help better manage getting done what is important

There are those that sit down with a lit of task items for the day and just start working through them. Other folks find their day works better by working a couple todo line items at a time, shifting when progress on one is slowing. Still others stare at their long list of things to …

Grab a great case for your new iPhone 5 and get 20% off!

Did your iPhone 5 arrive today? Did you wait in line to get one? Maybe, it’s in the mail and will arrive in the next couple weeks. Any way your getting your hands on it, being so hard to get means you may want to protect that new technology. This weekend only, Griffin Technology is …

Private chat with other Instagramers using an iPhone and InstaMessage

When posting pictures to Instagram, you can post a title, description, location and hashtags. Others can view and like as well they can comment. Sometimes, a comment needs a bit more privacy for the reply rather than blasting out for all to see in the comments area. That is the need that InstaMessage wants to …