A rethink on location based tasks on the iPhone

There is location based tasks built into the iOS Reminder app. I have met with a few challenges using it. Everything is in one list, things happen only at time or arrival or leaving a location and location pinning could be easier. A new app in the location based Task Manager group is Checkmark. Right …

FourSquare app update becomes The Map to the Stars Home app

FourSquare on the iPhone has been updated to FourSquare 5.0. The changes include a updated UI, more maps, and more info about where you might like to visit around you. While I have yet to test the depth of the suggestions, the talk is that they are based on your likes and check ins. FourSquare …

Did you like ‘Clear’? Now there is a Gesture Based iPhone Calculator too!

Remember Clear Task Manager for the iPhone? It was that simple task manager that had a very unique user interface that is definitely the way of the future. No tapping, no buttons (except typing ToDo words), no checkboxes, it was all about simple one hand operation sweeping up/down and back and forth. Now, aeliox has …