Quick view of advanced weather information on the iPhone with VyCloud

I have a tendency to gravitate to app that have light ‘clean’ user interfaces. Ones that have thought through just what information is needed so I can get in and out of the app, job done without extra swipes and taps.

A few weeks ago, I noticed I really needed more weather information than just the temps and an icon showing if it was raining on my head or not. Not as much info as the major weather providing company’s apps where you tap-tap-tap to radar and advanced forecasting. There must be a happy middle ground.

Amongst a folder full of installed weather app options, one I seem to be using more than others is VyCloud. Launching the app, I have access in a single colorful view of the current temp, wind, weather, high/low, sunrise/sunset times, hourly graphic of temperatures, and even an animated center area showing sunrise, daytime, sunset, night… and the weather too.

Swipe up on the screen to view more detail about the next few day’s weather. Again, VyCloud has quick-to-understand graphics so you know if the week will be getting warmer or cooler without having to read and analyze numbers.

Swipe to the right for a overview of more info that is handy but not always needed. The filling in of the line shows a percent for a glance rather than having to always read numbers.

Swipe the main screen to the right to choose a city to view. You can choose which cities to have quick access to. VyCloud also offers a list of 100 popular cities around the world via the ‘globe’ icon. You can use this view for a quick look at that city temperature, or tap one to be taken to the overview screen covering the advanced info. Quick in and out… the colorful graphic views make the additional information easy to see and use.