FourSquare app update becomes The Map to the Stars Home app

FourSquare on the iPhone has been updated to FourSquare 5.0. The changes include a updated UI, more maps, and more info about where you might like to visit around you. While I have yet to test the depth of the suggestions, the talk is that they are based on your likes and check ins. FourSquare …

Flipboard for iPhone, news with a swipe

The news was everywhere yesterday, but I held off till I now see a issue I was having was fixed with a second update last night. Now… Flipboard is on the iPhone, it is about time!! I am happy that they waited if they were taking their time to do the Flipboard interface right. While …

Dragon Dictation cuts out the middle man

Dragon Dictation has updated their free app/service. Of particular interest to those that use the app for quick adds. I had mentioned before that the app is pretty handy for updating text in emails and social services while you drive… look ma, no typing and driving. The new version removes the need to cut/paste from …