Sending your Instagram pictures as a printed postcard using only your iPhone

It’s a round peg in a square hole. Printed postcards have rectangular pictures and Instagram has square pictures. If you use any of the PostCard apps that offer to print and mail the card you create I have talked about in the past, you get a post card with your image centered on it. Not …

Dragon Dictation cuts out the middle man

Dragon Dictation has updated their free app/service. Of particular interest to those that use the app for quick adds. I had mentioned before that the app is pretty handy for updating text in emails and social services while you drive… look ma, no typing and driving. The new version removes the need to cut/paste from …

Getting Serious About FaceTime

FaceTime on the iPhone 4? Hmmm… not sure that is something I want to do, video conferencing on a phone. It sounds cool, but why? A rumor of this feature has been floating around the net for years. Folks kept saying that everything pointed this direction and that it was in Steve’s plan. Then Steve …

Better Google Image Search for the iPhone

Google is giving iPhone users a bit of love by fine tuning their Image Search… this release is only for the iPhone and Android. Nothing to buy here… just launch your built in browser and search for an image. Interesting is that the new Image Search look appears when you use the regular Google in …