Ready for the craziness they call Black Friday and Cyber Monday? Asside from long lines, there are other deals to be had if you know where and when.
Nice that there is a free iPhone app for that, The Dealmap. As the name implies, this is an app that will tell you what deals are around you, the particulars of that deal which you can share with others if you like. There… you have the full story, now let’s deep dive a bit more.
Starting the app up, let it find you and you will quickly get a map with drop pins of discounts all around you. Tap a pin to get the Business name and a brief on what the deal is. Tap that result to drill into more details on the business and discount particulars.
The map is nice but sometimes your looking for a name rather than a spot around you. Just choose the ‘List’ button in the upper right corner to jump to a scrollable alphabetized list. Tapping any of the items drills down to more detail like the map view does.
The Dealmap app shows you more than just what discount you can expect. You can also see the particulars on the deal and who posted it to the service. The address and phone number, as well the very important thumbs rating from others. Don’t forget to tap one of those thumbs when you get a discount so others can see if it is as good as it appears!
Some deals are for a short time and must be shared with others, or you just can’t believe what a discount you got. Sharing is quick and easy through the ‘share’ button in the upper right corner of the screen. Tell others via an SMS, an email or broadcast out through Facebook.
Discount offerings do not always have to be found via the map or list. You can also use the Dealmap app to view deals by category. Via the button at the bottom of the screen, you can drill down to a specific area of interest.
Choosing an area or category of interest results in a list of just those discounts offered. Handy when your looking for a pizza deal new you or the ‘really big’ deals via the 50% option.
If you don’t see a business you know the information on, The Dealmap app lets you add it in so it’s on your list for later reference.
Via the More button, you can access Deals that you chose to save out of the finder list as well you can adjust your profile and deals.
It is possible to add deals that you or others find and share those out via this free app. As you can see from the overview ‘Leaderboard’ screenshot, there are some folks that share a lot of deals they find. This is a buyer beware feature that could get you a deal no one knows about or a red face when the store says they know nothing about 50% off when you buy 100 Oranges (kidding around here of course with my example).