Remember The Glif? The 3D Print has arrived!

If you don’t want to look for the earlier post… The Glif is a iPhone 4 tripod mount. It is unique for a couple reasons. It holds the iPhone 4 by gently applying pressure around one side and a corner and it was done by a couple guys completely funded on Kickstarter.

The updates have been talking about the ‘real’ product rolling off the assembly line. For those that wanted to have a collectable and something in their hands early, there was an option to get a 3D ‘print’ of The Glif. Well, mine showed up in a nice padded envelope and a hand written Thank You. These guys have got a lot of class!

Here are a couple images, just for fun.

Even this ‘printed’ version is a precision created item. The Glif is designed to hold an iPhone 4 with no case. You can see that mine with the ‘thicker’ no-scratch vinyl on it made enough of a difference that it wouldn’t go into the mount without forcing… which I refused to do.

Off to get my stop motion software loaded back up. Fun stuff!!