Winterizing the iPhone 4 and 4s – Black Friday specials

I was going to do a post next week about ‘winterizing’ my iPhone 4s like I did last year, a bit of a reminder for all. Then I received a notice from Griffin that they had iPhone specials for Black Friday so I thought I would get this out in case any of the items …

iSkin has new cases for the iPhone4 and iPhone4s

I’m not a ‘big’ case user. Unless it’s a specialty case that enhances the iPhone with features to the phone it’s self, I usually pass by. The Griffin Survivor and Morphie Power cases are great examples of ‘enhancement’ cases. Others usually are just adding bulk for a unique look that I could do with a …

Curved back and added protection for the iPhone 4

I can’t believe I missed this. Being a huge fan of vinyl skins on all of my Mac devices, I often create unique designs that Unique Skins prints for me. They are inexpensive enough that I can change whenever a new idea hits me. If you haven’t put on a vinyl protect skin on your …