Did you like ‘Clear’? Now there is a Gesture Based iPhone Calculator too!

Remember Clear Task Manager for the iPhone? It was that simple task manager that had a very unique user interface that is definitely the way of the future. No tapping, no buttons (except typing ToDo words), no checkboxes, it was all about simple one hand operation sweeping up/down and back and forth. Now, aeliox has …

Hipstamatic Americana Lens Free for the iPhone – Limited time!

I just got some great news from the folks at Hipstamatic. During Fashion Week (Feb 8th through Feb 16th), you can download the Americana lens and case for FREE! You of course need to have the Hipstamatic iPhone Camera app, after that though, this is a fun pack to enjoy at a really nice price! …

Pinning goes mobile, Pinterest on the iPhone

Yes, you can take your pinning fun with you when you leave the house. You can keep up with your friend’s pins, look through subject groups, see who is following your pins and like/share what others have posted. Pinterest is on the go if you have your iPhone with you. Pinterest is one of those …

Saving your lens, film and flash combinations in Hipstamatic to return quickly later

With Hipstamatic on your iPhone, there are many film, lens and flash options to shuffle, making up fun combinations. Playing a bit, you will find some groups work better for outside bright shots versus another grouping that is best for food on the table. If you forget what combination you used, you can go into …