Easier photo editing across multiple iPhone apps

Most of my photo editing on the iPhone is done across multiple apps. I am either just cropping, or I’m cropping, filtering, highlighting, adding… and the list goes on. As most of your know, I like to play a lot with my images to see how I can take one image and tell two different …

Creating print cards on the iPhone, free from Apple

Hidden in amongst all the news about the iOS5 release was a new app from Apple for the iPhone. The Card app is a free print card creator solution that is just right for those times you need to get a card sent to someone and no time to hit the store. Since it uses …

iTunes on the iPhone updated with re-download and all purchases

Things are starting to really shape up with the new iTunes solutions. My wife and I are on the same account, but purchase music that we each want to listen to via our MacBooks or iPhones. Through iTunes, there is no way to download the whole purchase on both machines and finding the right song …

The Updated App Store on the iPhone

As you most likely have heard, Apple is moving everything off to the ‘cloud’. You wont have a single desktop that your trying to sync everything through, instead they will manage your files for you and keep all of your devices in sync. This is music, apps and documents too. I have already gotten the …

HDR photos possible through both iPhone 4 cameras

Prior to the iPhone camera software being updated by Apple to take HDR photos, I played with a couple different options. Of those, I used Pro HDR more often than not when I had time for a high quality image. I say “when I had time” because it used to take a lot longer to …