Paypal on the iPhone, everyone at lunch pays their part

Paypal has an update to their iPhone app to help that uncomfortable request for money when it comes time to split the bill from lunch or dinner. No need for folks to throw money on the table and look for change, some paying more than their share. And, no more worries about someone not having …

Finding local businesses that accept PayPal though the iPhone

When PayPal started, it was financed through a Palm ‘beaming’ money to another Palm. Now, you can transfer funds via acct or ‘Bump’ your iPhone with another to transfer funds. In the most recent free version of PayPal for the iPhone is a new ‘beta’ feature that lets you search for local companies that will …

Mobile to Mobile PayPal Payments – Like The Old Days

Late in 1999, we all heard about PayPal from a much publicized meeting in a restaurant where a investor beamed millions from one Palm to another via PayPal. We all rushed out and grabbed a copy so we could give our friends a dollar. Then it became a great way to collect money from your …