I have been seeing a lot of folks filtering their iPhone images that downgrade them to look like old cameras and film, even pin hole cameras. The iPhone camera gets higher and higher resolution so now we have more to work with to make them look bad rather than just blaming on having the lens set wrong.
An app a friend recommended that does more than just downgrade the quality is called ‘HalfTone’. The app allows you to be creative with a new image taken within the app, grab one from your photos area or paste in one that you copied from elsewhere. The image is immediately converted to look like an old newspaper HalfTone image.
The choices across the bottom is for taking or importing the imagine, the background, the framing and text boxes and finally the Fonts and text sizing. There are 9 options for the text box locations to use with your image in the HalfTone app.
The background does not always have to the ‘newspaper’, there are 9 choices to choose from. Interesting, there is no setting for the dots per inch of the actual image though.
When you have your HalfTone image done, you can save it to the Photos area of your iPhone. There is also the option to post to Facebook or include in an email directly from the HalfTone app.