You may have noticed that every time you type out a note or message, you keep getting little pop-ups of a word that the iPhone is making a best guess at what you wanted to say. The suggestion is based on some smart software that looks at the keys on the keyboard next to the letters you typed and checks to see if you just typed a bit off based on words it has in it’s dictionary.
Using the technology to your advantage.
As you are typing, the system will make constant guesses at what you are trying to type and show it to you. To accept that word, just tap the keyboard space bar. You do not need to finish typing the whole word.
If you are typing a word that wouldn’t be in the dictionary, they system will think you are miss typing and replace the word with it’s suggestion. To not accept the word, tap the ‘x’ next to the iPhone’s recommendation prior to hitting the space bar to move to the next word.
If the word you are typing is pretty common, it should be in the system spell check dictionary. So, most of the time it doesn’t make sense to go back and correct a letter or two you miss typed while still in the word. More times than not, the system will guess the word correctly and you can just space to accept. Give this a try, if your typing common words, it should prove to be much faster to keep typing rather than correct.