The NEW Evernote 4.0 for the iPhone – Incredibly great!

I use Evernote, I use it everyday. That said, I have long been a fan of the Mac version, happy with the PC version, use the iPad version a lot and have just put up with the iPhone version.

Then, the Evernote folks introduced 4.0 for the iPhone. It has all of the feature I had hoped for but honestly hadn’t thought they would do.

I should go back and ask the obvious. Do you know what Evernote is? It is a cloud note service, that is free. There is a Web interface, a PC version, a Mac version, iOS version, and even a version of their tools for the Blackberry… all free. Any of the software options allow you to create rich content notes and then sync up to the cloud so you can access and edit with another computing device. You can also share folders of documents with others so it’s a great way of many people collecting notes for a project.

Like I started with, the only copy of the Evernote software I have not been happy using was the iPhone version. Now, Evernote 4.0 lets me get to my information they I need to, and very quickly.

The Evernote 4.0 app has several list views not previously available. One is for the folders of notes and the other are for tags assigned to notes. It used to be you had to scroll through the complete list of notes in order of the folder they were in. There had been no way to collapse the folders down so when I had to look up a note there was a lot of scrolling involved. Not the case anymore!

There is also a view of notes divided by media added to the notes. It used to be only the desktop app allowed for media to be attached to notes. It is now possible to add multiple images and up to 90 minutes of audio to any note.

For the serious users like myself, there is a Evernote ‘pro’ service (buy one updates the services across all of the devices your using). This version doesn’t have any quantity of notes synced a month limits, removes all ads from the desktop version of the software and allows for folders to be created of notes that you can save locally to your device to use/read offline.

Excited, you bet! Here is a nice little video that the folks at Evernote did about their version 4.0 for the iPhone: