Quick and free panorama app for the iPhone

There has been a few different Pano iPhone options I have been playing with over the last couple years. The first ones where high resolution but required you line up the images on the screen prior to taking the next image. Then, there were ones that acted like they were recording a little move which they flattened out.

A new (to me) option I installed this weekend is a winner in both the ‘speed of use’ and ‘User Interface’ categories!! The app, Dermandar (It means “All around” in Lebanese slang) is a Universal free app for your iPhone 4, iPad2 and newest Touch… the limitation for devices is because is automated magic requires the gyroscope.

Dermandar works in portrait view only for maximum vertical viewing area on the final image. Launch the app, aim at the area and hit the record button:

Notice the ‘ying yang’ looking art at the top of the Dermandar screen? As you turn your device around the halves come together. When they meet, the bottom dot on the symbol goes green and the next shot is snapped. It a very simple and informative way of giving the user a heads up. In the case of low light photos, just slow down a bit as you get near the joining of the halves to lower the risk of moving as the image is taken.

The image is immediately stitched together inside of the Dermandar app. You can sweep around the image with your finger. Pinch and double tap zooming is supported to look closely at areas of interest.

Recorded images are saved to your ‘My Gallery’ area. Images can be viewed later and shared online with others via the free Dermandar Web site. Your images do not need to be shared through the site though, images can be posted to sites as a large image. For a dynamic view, uploading the image to the site via the iPhone app results in a Web address to share instead of the actual image.

Along with viewing your own recorded images, you can see what others have posted online to share. Choosing the ‘Public Gallery’ from the Dermandar app, you can then drill down view the pickers at the top to view the ‘Latest’ uploads, ‘Trending’ and images recorded ‘Near’ you.

The developers for Dermandar offers a Web site to view Panoramic images shared by others. The service is free, and the Dermandar folks spend a lot of time promising not to share your info with anyone.

If your interested in see panoramic images by ‘near you’ or around the world, there is a Dermandar map view with drop pins. I’m looking forward to this area growing so I can take a quick look at anyplace I’m going in advance of travel.

Clicking on a pano on Dermandar‘s Web site opens the higher resolution image that you can move around. A location map is on the page too if the person’s iPhone ge0tagged the image. The link for the page to share direct access with friends as well Facebook and Twitter share buttons.