When you snap a picture with your iPhone… what do you plan to do with it then? Some I have go onto Twitter, get shared with friends directly or saved off my use later (powerpoints or wallpapers on the desktop). Many times, the images can have more punch to them if I spend a bit of time cleaning them up. I have mentioned basic color correction and cropping apps in the past… today let’s talk about adding a whole new level of flair to snap shots.
With the increases in iPhone camera quality, we expect the resulting images to be clear and tell a story. PictureShow helps enhance that story by allowing you to add special effect to your images. I’m not talking about mustaches and little talk bubbles, I’m talking about making a picture appear old or completely reverse the coloring for max pop!
PictureShow has taken effects that some other apps offer and added their own uniqueness to them. With the below ‘old building’ image, I was able to choose the level of graininess as well I swiped my finger across the image to adjust the hot spot and it’s impact. In the case of the PopArt image, reloading it completely flipped and reassigned colors until I found the right combination.
A few recent snaps that I spent a couple minutes in PictureShow on:
The short feature list: