Keyboards, tall and wide

Throughout the iPhone and Touch system you use a keyboard since the OS doesn’t support handwriting recognition. Holding the device the ‘tall’ normal way (called Portrait), you have a narrow keyboard to use so you have room above it to see what you are working on. When you turn the handheld on it’s side (Landscape) you …

Quick Tip: See the Web address before going there

When in the iPhone / Touch Web browser (Safari) and are viewing a Web site. You will have the usual links to other sites appear just like on your desktop browser. Normally you tap a link and are taken to another page or site.  Before making a jump from a tap on a link that …

Tap tap – what a double tap gets you

Safari – when viewing a Web site with multiple columns of text, double taping on one will zoom in so it is larger and just that column shows on the screen. Keyboard Caps – the ‘shift’ key that normally capitalizes the next letter can be locked on by double tapping it. The key will turn …