Owners of business big or small always benifit from talking with other business owners. When that isn’t possible, just reading what people in the industry has to say can be enlightening to enforce what you know or start a new idea.
A source of this is the American Express’s OPEN Forum area where very smart people write articles on what they have seen, tried, failed with and succeeded with. One of those spots you access articles by Guy Kawasaki, Ann Field and many others that you wont fine elsewhere.
If you have visited the site, there is an endless supply of content to read… which usually means that you can’t get away from your computer monitor. Lucky for us, American Express has released a free app to access the content.
The American Express OPEN Forum app opens to an ‘ALL’ articles tab and the most recent articles. If you wish to narrow the subject to location, money or technology, choose that tab across the top. The search (upper right corner) is a nice touch if your in a particular industry or have a unique interest at the moment.
Moving across the options at the bottom of the screen, you can see what is popular amongst other readers, jump the a list of the writers (Experts), and articles you have saved for later.
If you choose one of the Experts, your presented with a list of articles written by that author no matter what group that article falls in.
Selecting an article takes you to the full article, complete with links (these will open to Web pages outside of the app in a browser) and adjustable font size (two sizes to choose from). The content scrolls up/down for quick skimming if your looking just for the highlights.
As any regular reader of my posts know, I love to share with others when I find something I have enjoyed reading. The list is what you would hope it to be… Facebook, Twitter and eMail. A logical bonus method of sharing is through Linked In. It seems like a natural fit since the American Express OPEN Forum is all about bringing Business people together. Here, the mobile access to the articles doesn’t limit you from telling your Linked In business contacts about a article they may find important too.