The built in camera –
The screen button works like the keyboard in that it takes it’s picture when you release the button – not when you press it. You can launch the camera app, hold the software button down with your finger, hold your arm out to get just the right picture and release your finger. Great when you want to take a picture with yourself in it… no hunting around for the button.
Another feature is that the iPhone can take portrait (tall) and landscape (wide) pictures. Hold the phone tall and it takes narrow/tall pictures.
Tall: 1200 x 1600 at 72 dpi – 32bit RGB 16.7 million colors
File is 400 to 600 k – Opens to a 7 meg jpeg
If you tip your iPhone so it is wider, you will notice that the camera image rotates at the same time do you can get a wide image.
Wide: 1200 x 1600 at 72 dpi – 32bit RGB 16.7 million colors
File is 400 to 600 k – Opens to a 7 meg jpeg